BFF Insights is the study area of the Group, established with a view to consolidating and promoting yet further the macro-economic analyses and studies — already carried out in Italy and overseas — that have always marked out BFF’s relationship with its clients and stakeholders.

The objective of BFF Insights is to expand and explore in greater depth, in partnership with experts, universities and the Farmafactoring Foundation, a number of relevant issues in order to provide a high-quality vantage point for the group’s clients and stakeholders


Research areas




A quarterly publication that, since 2017, collects and discloses the main macroeconomic, political and social information characterizing the global and European scenario, as well as thematic analyses about the countries in which BFF operates.
The report, traditionally produced in English, is now available also in Spanish and Polish.

Click here for more informations.



A quarterly analysis, drafted in English and Spanish, targeted at investigating the macroeconomic trends that have an impact on the central government and the autonomous communities in Spain. The study is aimed not only at those companies that are set up and operate in the country, but also at foreign businesses that need to learn more about the Spanish market.

Click here for the English editions.
Click here for the Spanish editions.



Pension funds


A monthly analysis about the performance of Italian Pension Funds in relation to financial market trends and the related evolution of the macroeconomic scenario. The analysis is based on the BFF Indices, that were launched with the aim of making available to Pension Fund managers some indicators capable of summarising the performance of an increasingly important sector in the Italian financial landscape.

Pension Funds managers can compare the performance of their lines with traditional market benchmarks and the BFF Indices relating to the same types of investment to understand how they are positioned with respect to the other Pension Funds.

Available only in Italian.
Click here to visit the Italian section os send an e-mail for more information.


Financial Markets

BFF Insights produces analyses to assess financial market trends and perspectives. Particular attention is paid to services aimed at controlling interest rate risk, implemented in support of client banks' Treasuries.
Click here for more information.


International Researches


The Study analyses and compares 9 healthcare systems in the EU: Italy, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain. Thanks to data obtained from official sources and an ad-hoc survey administered to about 30 professionals and experts, the Report offers an overview of these healthcare systems, seeking to highlight common challenges and country specific issues, and share the best practices to promote a broader discussion and seek new solutions in favour of a more efficient and innovative European healthcare environment.

Available only in English.
Click here for the English edition.
Click here to require the Polish edition.



BFF Insights
Marco Ricci
[email protected]
Tel.: +39 02 7705 8342