News & Media

Thursday, 25 March 2021
11:00 - 12:15 CET
The Future Of Healthcare Systems: The European Model and opportunities for transatlantic cooperation

The ability of European healthcare systems to respond to the pandemic was highly influenced by the state of affairs of these systems when Covid-19 first hit Europe. In a roundtable promoted by AmCham Portugal, the experts will analyze the structural features of European healthcare systems, best practices for health reforms and transatlantic opportunities in drawing up the health systems of the future. In such occasion, BFF will deliver some key results of the Report: Challenges to European healthcare systems at a glance - a comparative analysis of 9 EU countries in times of Covid-19.

Language: Portuguese

António Martins da Costa, President, AmCham Portugal 
Nuno Francisco, Head of Portugal, BFF Banking Group 
Óscar Gaspar, President, Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals - APHP 
Vítor Virginia, Managing Director, Merck Sharp & Dohme - MSD
Joaquim Cunha, Executive Director, Health Cluster Portugal - HCP 

Marta Leite de Castro, TV host & Founder N360 Business Stories

For further information: [email protected]