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15 mag 2023
BFF: “Innovating the Italian Asset Management industry to support the real economy”
The conference organized by the Bank will take place tomorrow, first day of the Il Salone del Risparmio 2023.

Milan, 15th May 2023 BFF – the largest independent specialty finance in Italy and the leading name in the securities services and payments services – will take part in 2023 Salone del Risparmio, the unique Italian event entirely dedicated to the Asset Management industry, which will take place from May 16 to 18 at the Allianz MiCo in Milan.

BFF will participate in the kermesse with a conference entitled: “Innovating the Italian Asset Management industry to support the real economy”, tomorrow May 16 at 2.30 pm.

Panelists of the debate will be Giovanni Maggi, Chairman Assofondipensione, Mauro Sbroggiò, Managing Director and CEO Finint Sgr, Maurizio Tacchella, Director Depositary Bank BFF Banking Group, Paolo Testi, Director and co-founder Ingenii Sgr. The conference will be moderated by Mariangela Pira, Journalist Sky Italia.

The conference aims to discuss in depth the importance of the growth of Italian Asset Managers, and the presence of domestic infrastructures that offer specialized, proximity, highly innovative services, to contribute to an asset management industry that provides true support to the country's real economy.

The topic of the conference is closely related to the activity of BFF, and to the support that the Bank gives to alternative investment funds (AIF) (Fondi Alternativi di Investimento – FIA). BFF, in fact, has supported the creation of FIAs that invest in innovative and very specific sectors such as legal assets or the naval sector, and of a SIS company (Società di Investimento Semplice - SIS) t invests in start-up initiatives launched by young Italian excellences. On top of these are several types of credit FIAs that provide financing to SMEs and invest in trading credits.

Giovanni Maggi, Chairman Assofondipensione, said: “Pension funds are and will increasingly be key players in supporting the real economy. It is important to facilitate their development and investment in the country as much as possible, including through the support of System initiatives and innovative services, enhancing resources that can be crucial in fostering the growth of the Italian economic and productive system”.

Maurizio Tacchella, Director Depositary Bank, BFF Banking Group, added: “With great pleasure we participate in this edition of Salone del Risparmio, an opportunity for direct meetings and dialogue with the many players who rely on our services. BFF is the only Italian Depositary Bank, leader in the sector of pension funds and leading name in the innovation of FIAs, with over 20 years of experience in the sector of social security institutions. We are aware of the role of responsibility we play towards the asset management industry; our Italian nature is an important added value, and allows us to be close to asset servicers in all the operational and regulatory dynamics that characterize our country”.