News & Media

Thursday, 25th November 2021
12:00 - 16:00 CET
6-th edition of Hospital Ranking „Hospital Managemement Leaders”

The initiative is organised in cooperation with Rzeczpospolita daily, and it is a ranking aimed at promoting best practices in public healthcare and celebrating those hospitals that achieve the best management and financial results. The winners of the ranking will be announced during the event at the Scena Monopolis theatre in Łódź. The meeting will also provide the opportunity for a constructive debate  among experts on the challenges that the Polish healthcare system is facing and the solutions that can contribute to its further efficiency.

Language: Polish

Marcin Piasecki,
Managing Editor, Rzeczpospolita

Event  opening:
Krzysztof Kawalec,
CEO of BFF Banking Group in Poland

Debate moderator:
Marcin Piasecki,
Managing Editor, Rzeczpospolita

Prof. Jarosław Fedorowski,
CEO of Polish Hospitals Federation
Dr Marek Migdał, Director of the "Pomnik - Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka" Institute
Dorota Gołąb-Bełtowicz, expert to the National Association of County Hospital Employers and Deputy Director for Finance of the Stefan Zeromski Specialist Hospital SP ZOZ in Krakow
Piotra Kagankiewicza, Chief Executive Officer of Radomsko District Hospital
Radosław Moks, Member of the Menagement Board of BFF Banking Group in Poland

For more information: [email protected]


Video Coverage (available in Polish)
Które szpitale publiczne w Polsce są najlepiej zarządzane? - YouTube

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